In the middle of road jammed ..i was thinking and see this is happen when we have no rules to follow..
early morning i was at home 7.40am went to work but at the middle way at Lido junction, traffic light was not function everyone drive as they want..i saw some of them gave way to others some people getting angry and ofcourse and i believe lot of people that time said STUPID , DAMN, SUCKS ,FUCKS...some of people drive very fast until almost hits other car..i felt wonder how come they drive too fast in the middle of traffic jammed. I saw everyone lost thier patients and getting angry with others until TALK TO THEIR HAND...uhhh...
I saw all car cannot move cos every car need to take over until stuck in the middle of way LOL...uhh soo stress that time my car din move at lated went to work...lalala....
I was proud with this man cos him willing to be a police traffic even him is not the real one.. luckily some of people followed his instructed and thank him cos his, i can pass the hell LOL...
The Moral of the story..lets follow the rules so that our life not like in the middle of way without the traffic light..
Sometimes rules make the things more easier but sometimes rules make us difficult..that y certain circumstances we need follow the rules sometimes we need break the rule's..uh~~ this life sooo complicated lah ~~ ;) whatever what important is follow the rules of Cyber City Apartment 1 heee ;) wink wink ^___^
Nway Thank You to our customer cos give us this sweet Chocolate Love it eheh~~~ and Thank You to him can accept our rules~~ ;)
Lovesmereadme wawakyoko oneal