One question i dun like is bout "Age". Hate this sentence "How old are you"? the question that make me always speechless and do fake laugh..ahahahaah...<----fake laughh<___>
Why this question really matter for you guys?ya lah people maybe curious want to; she's look too young, how old she is? She's work contractor?how old she is now?cos maybe they too wonder why im look too young maybe not suitable with my career now..aishementtt ahhaah <---- fake laugh....againn...
Ohh perasaan jgk saya ni tauu ahahha...<----- fake laughhh.... so please dun ask my age just shut up ur mouth before i say all the words that can make u vomit...ahhaha..but i already reveal my age here..what dun ask just read it from my blog ahahah...<---- fake laugh
Ok then i told them my real age im 28 and the answer i hate to know is "Oh reallyyyyy" or sabahan said " betul ka tidakk oooo" me :ya lah betul lahhhhh..... his: ndak percaya lahhh...
aiyooooo meanss when the answer like that means u need to explain moreee...i dun want!LOL...
bah iya lah kalau tidak percaya jangan tanya saya..FU!uhuh use a polite words sikit..
FU but when my age getting close to 29 its doest really matter for it?ahahhaha...<---fake laugh
ya lah bah what important im still look youngg nehhh ahahah<---fake laugh..ya lah i know nanti pandai tua jugak but i dun talk bouttt at age 40 yet lah people..uhuhu..we talk bout today ageee..LOL..jgn tidur duluu...
Anyway does a man don really care bout thier age too??????????????ermmmm..ok saya kaji dulu nanti, nanti sya write another article does a man doesn't really care bout their age?ehemmm...
Anyway election around the conner maybe next month or another next month..kamu mau undi siapa? Fuck i never vote yet for any election.nah habis lah buang negeri. aa i know there s a lot of people outside there still never vote of you was reading this riteee u..LOL
do you believe i already vote or not?whatever lah people i write tonite cos i cannot sleep dun know why..acrually im sick but im getting bored so i write something the things i dun like salah mehhh..,.ngengengee,...
im sick cos im in full moon...felt not confortable with this feeling..nah you boys never argue with ur gf or wife when they getting full moon coss their feeling is ups and downnn..ahahhaa...jadi jangann bikin panasss okkk..sabahan said "ini kalilah".. :D
bah vote BN for our future ..."Hidup BN" bah jadi sya suda sokong BN .Bah Jadi kasi bagus jalan raya kami d kampung tu yang banyak lubang tu ok...tau tu kamu membaca di sana..ahhahah..uhhh...<___>
bah kalau mengundi nanti orang yang responsible bagi duit tu jangan pura2 sembunyi pulakkk..jangan bawa lari duit rakyatt uhhh <____> orang kampung nanti kejar..
uhhhh sakit suda pulak perutt niii..sekiannnlahhhhhh paksa tidur lah ni zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ...
♥♥♥♥♥Lovesmereadme Wawakyoko in The House ♥♥♥♥♥
Why this question really matter for you guys?ya lah people maybe curious want to; she's look too young, how old she is? She's work contractor?how old she is now?cos maybe they too wonder why im look too young maybe not suitable with my career now..aishementtt ahhaah <---- fake laugh....againn...
Ohh perasaan jgk saya ni tauu ahahha...<----- fake laughhh.... so please dun ask my age just shut up ur mouth before i say all the words that can make u vomit...ahhaha..but i already reveal my age here..what dun ask just read it from my blog ahahah...<---- fake laugh
Ok then i told them my real age im 28 and the answer i hate to know is "Oh reallyyyyy" or sabahan said " betul ka tidakk oooo" me :ya lah betul lahhhhh..... his: ndak percaya lahhh...
aiyooooo meanss when the answer like that means u need to explain moreee...i dun want!LOL...
bah iya lah kalau tidak percaya jangan tanya saya..FU!uhuh use a polite words sikit..
FU but when my age getting close to 29 its doest really matter for it?ahahhaha...<---fake laugh
ya lah bah what important im still look youngg nehhh ahahah<---fake laugh..ya lah i know nanti pandai tua jugak but i dun talk bouttt at age 40 yet lah people..uhuhu..we talk bout today ageee..LOL..jgn tidur duluu...
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nah kan suda sya bilangg cutee..LOL :P im in white one 18 years old oo bah kann...ahahha <---- fake laugh.. |
Anyway does a man don really care bout thier age too??????????????ermmmm..ok saya kaji dulu nanti, nanti sya write another article does a man doesn't really care bout their age?ehemmm...
Anyway election around the conner maybe next month or another next month..kamu mau undi siapa? Fuck i never vote yet for any election.nah habis lah buang negeri. aa i know there s a lot of people outside there still never vote of you was reading this riteee u..LOL
do you believe i already vote or not?whatever lah people i write tonite cos i cannot sleep dun know why..acrually im sick but im getting bored so i write something the things i dun like salah mehhh..,.ngengengee,...
im sick cos im in full moon...felt not confortable with this feeling..nah you boys never argue with ur gf or wife when they getting full moon coss their feeling is ups and downnn..ahahhaa...jadi jangann bikin panasss okkk..sabahan said "ini kalilah".. :D
bah vote BN for our future ..."Hidup BN" bah jadi sya suda sokong BN .Bah Jadi kasi bagus jalan raya kami d kampung tu yang banyak lubang tu ok...tau tu kamu membaca di sana..ahhahah..uhhh...<___>
bah kalau mengundi nanti orang yang responsible bagi duit tu jangan pura2 sembunyi pulakkk..jangan bawa lari duit rakyatt uhhh <____> orang kampung nanti kejar..
uhhhh sakit suda pulak perutt niii..sekiannnlahhhhhh paksa tidur lah ni zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ...
♥♥♥♥♥Lovesmereadme Wawakyoko in The House ♥♥♥♥♥