Everybody talk about something gud their self now i want to talk bout something bad myself to be gud..how is it?complicated isnt?its ok make its easy....i want to chaange people perception to the lazy word..or lazy people..
To be frank my sister tell me im a fucking lazy one at home ermmm isnt?i dun think soo coss i dun need people wash my cloth, wash my plate after eat even tidy up my bed ..
dun believe it i can prof for u
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Sooo Damn Hottt but i dun care..@12pm to hang shirt..Tipss dun forgot to wear Cap and |
Ermm i think my sister been jealous at me...haiya as usuall SISTER ALWAYS JELOUS TO HER YOUNG SISTER ISNT?SISTA OUTSIDE THERE..They think Young sister too affectionate..no no no..
~Ok thats enough..come back to the story~
Did you believe Lazy people can be a create something that can be more help than hard working people!!!
I Have one story for you..Long Long time ago..got 1 family they made 1 well under their house to drink to cook everything..1 day his mother asked her son to get water from the well..her son is a damn lazy one..u know 1 thing his do?his created 1 bailer and tied it with 1 string.. to get the water...nahhh..his lazy but his creative isnt?EASY AND SHORT CUT ahah..
Actually all of us Damn Lazy..u know Y?Let Think Think Thinkkk.......dun angry lah peoople its a reality actually..if u not the one so just be relaxxxs and coolllll...take a deep breath and continue ur reading..
1st People created a Car for what..its may prof that people lazy to walk...
how come people long time ago..they ride the fierce Horse..cos they lazy to walk ..
Y People create Calculator for Mathh?cos they Lazy to think and Lazy to calculate the number using their finger...aahhh u guyss..dun think dirt..maybe some of dirt mind said they press the button like they press the breast..damnnn......crazyyy 1.
Lets Flashback my childhood,ahhh i just wonder..when i was young i found my sister got 1 calculator that u can match ur name with ur couple one which just enter your name and your couple than the calculator may tell you what ur relationship mean & what you should for your relationship...for me its a really good and the best toy ever that time ahahah..but again i just felt wonder is it the calculator still exisst?where? i want it to play it and want to enter all my friend name...but unfortunately i never seen it again..any idea?i think you dun have an idea oso with this calculator cos you have no answer for it ..i know!i know! you luss!
Ok Lets continue to the story again,Why people create escalator..cos they a lazy to walk again...walk walk walkkk..that y no need to feel wonder if there s lot of people got diabetes nowadays ops what hal diabetes i mean obesity that is the rite word ..(people sabah said "palis-palis jauh jauh its mean touch wood")ahah
Cos Those of the reason the words of Inventions for Lazy People!!been created..
All People is Lazy...why not we walkk and save the energy of car..if u all walk me too want to walk together ahahah..what ever..i just write this cos just want to sharing what people perception 2wards lazy people.bad perception always in their eyes..i think they are not bad..they may success if the using their own creative idea .. The famous words for the creative idea is"SHORT CUT & EASY but SMART" This people normally dun like too detail but what they do still can be accepted~~
Ok than need to sleep ..tomorrow need to work ...Be A lazy But creative and Dun be Lazy if just for a fool...
sweet dreams...^________^
My Story@Lovesmereadme^_~
you're really cute wawa! :)
Isaac :Thnxs..^_^
where got? I mean, I don't get jealous with my sis!!!
(well, except for her getting better bargain, slimmer than me, have a bf that is super awesome and she seems to get whatever she wants). ahahahah~ jokin ^_^
Nana: Yes, i see that old sister will be joules to young sister when young sister to be more slimmer,better bargain n got owesome bf...ish ish ishhh...ahahhah...
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